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Looking at the View

Personal development...
...with like-minded others

Getting out into nature allows us to experience a different view, and see things from a different perspective.


The MindFit programme can do the same thing for us as individuals.


Taking a different view of ourselves and our lives, allows us to perceive our life and our choices through an alternative lens.


The current reality of our lives, as evidenced by our achievements, our relationships and our happiness, is a consequence of how our brains process the inputs they receive, in the environment we find ourselves in, together with the choices and actions that we have taken. 


Whether you want to achieve more success, increase your happiness, or learn about yourself and others, it makes sense to go to the source of all of these, the human brain.


With 95% of our brain's activity being unconscious, we often cannot see our own blind spots and 'autopilot' behaviour and the unintended consequences they can produce. Taking learnings from the fields of Neuroscience, Psychology and Coaching, we will explore new understandings about human beings and discover what is unique about you.


Week by week, you'll learn, participate in exercises, share your insights and understandings, create more choices and feel empowered to make improvements to your life. 



​The syllabus is focused on learning about the human brain, divided into three areas:


  • Brain function

  • Brain inputs 

  • Brain outputs


Within the Brain function area we cover: Neuroplasticity, Energy management, Autopilot, Metaphor, Mindset, Thinking, Feeling and The Four Responses. 


The Brain inputs area includes: Evolution, External Influence, Opinions, Values, Beliefs, Experiences, Biases and Boundaries.


In the Brain outputs area we look at: Goals, Vision, Questions, Behaviour, Communication, Confidence and Ideas.


Each week, in our live workshop, (not pre-recorded!) we'll focus on a single aspect, building your knowledge and understanding as we go, so that you'll understand yourself and others better, and empower yourself to discover more choices, make better decisions, and commit to actions that lead to positive change in your life and the lives of your loved ones.


Individual and Group MindFit Programmes


A personal development programme with a comprehensive syllabus.


Choose to join a small group of individuals on your personal development journey. The MindFit group programme consists of 12 weekly workshops. Each live workshop (not pre-recorded) is 90 minutes long and covers a different subject from the three areas: brain function, brain inputs and brain outputs.


The main advantages of the group programme are:

  • Be part of a strong support group

  • Learn from the experiences and insights of other participants


Or you can choose to work individually with Nick on your personal development journey. The MindFit individual programme consists of 12 weekly workshops. Each workshop is 60 minutes long and covers a different subject. The syllabus is split into the same three areas: brain function, brain inputs and brain outputs.


The main advantages of an individual programme are:

  • the pace is matched to your needs

  • the syllabus is focused to you

  • individual attention


A third option is to have personal coaching with Nick where you lead on the agenda and content of the sessions.  More information on

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